Course curriculum

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    • Welcome to the HIC!

    • Course Navigation

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    Week 1 - The Basics

    • Week 1: The Basics

    • 3 Stances

    • Movement in Outlet Stance

    • Palm Strikes from Semi-Passive Stance

    • Palm Strike from Outlet Stance

    • Straight Punches

    • Knee Strike

    • Regular Kick

    • 360 Defense

    • Drill: 4 Direction Stepping

    • Drill: 360 with Follow Up

    • Drill: Step, Strike, & Block

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    Week 2 - Releases from Chokes

    • Week 2: Releases from Chokes

    • Defensive Front Kick

    • Defensive Back Kick

    • Inside Defense

    • Preventing Choke

    • Front Choke Release

    • Drill: Balance Drill for Kicking

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    Week 3 - Releases from Bear Hugs

    • Week 3: Bear Hug Releases

    • Hammer Strikes

    • Elbow Strikes

    • Bearhug from Behind - Arms Free

    • Bearhug from Behind - Arms Caught High

    • "Finishing Mode"

    • Drill: Tabata with Strikes

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    Week 4 - Ground Tactics

    • Week 4: Defending from the Ground

    • Back Breakfall

    • Forward Soft Breakfall

    • Getting Up In Stance

    • Getting Up Attacking Forward

    • Back Kick from the Ground

    • Mounted Choke - Prevention

    • Release from Mounted Choke

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    Week 5 - Knife Threats

    • Week 5: Defending Knife Threats

    • Knife Threat - Slap & Kick

    • Knife Threat From Behind

    • Knife Threat at Throat

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    Week 6 - Using Common Objects

    • Week 6: Using Common Objects

    • Categories of Common Objects in Krav Maga

    • Using Shield-Type Objects

    • Using Small Objects

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    Week 7 - Protecting Others

    • Week 7: Protecting Others

    • Protecting Others vs. Attacks

    • Protecting Others vs. Chokes

    • Takedown from Behind

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    Week 8 - Pistol Threats

    • Week 8: Pistol Threat from the Front

    • Inside Defense

    • Pistol Threat from the Front

    • Pistol Disarm

    • Holding Pistol when Firing