Course curriculum

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    • Welcome

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    Striking and Kicking

    • P1: Straight Punches

    • P1: Hammer Strikes

    • P1: Elbows

    • P1: Stomp Down

    • P1: Stomp Backwards

    • P1: Knee

    • P1: Regular Kick

    • P2: Hook Punch

    • P2: Uppercut

    • P2: Vertical Elbow

    • P2: Finger Strike

    • P2: Low Strikes to Groin (palm and whip strike w/ back of hand)

    • P2: Round Knee

    • P2: Defensive Front Kick

    • P2: Defensive Back Kick

    • P2: Round Kick

    • P2: Round Kick with Ball of Foot

    • P2: Side Kick

    • P3: Low Straight Strikes

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    Strike & Kick Defenses

    • P1: 360 Defense

    • P1: Inside Defense with 1.5 Counter

    • P1: Leg Defense (Instinctual) vs. Regular Kick

    • P2: Inside Defense - Lean Back & Kick

    • P2: Inside Defense - Simultaneous Counter

    • P2: Inside Defense - Left vs. Left

    • P2: Inside Defense Using the Forearm

    • P2: Outside Defense

    • P2: Stop Kick with Front Leg

    • P2: Outside Defense with Shin vs. Low Roundhouse Kick

    • P2: Against a Strike from Behind

    • P3: Outside Stabbing Defenses

    • P3: Inside Defense vs. Regular Kick

    • P3: Scooping Defense vs. Regular Kick

    • P3: Inside Forearm Defense vs. Defensive Front Kick

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    • P1: Preventing Front Choke

    • P1: Educational Block

    • P1: Front Choke - 2 Hand Release

    • P1: Front Choke - 1 Hand Release

    • P1: Close Choke from Front

    • P2: Choke from Behind - 2-Hand Release

    • P2: Choke from Behind - 1-Hand Release

    • P2: Choke from the Side

    • P2: Close Choke from the Side

    • P3: Preventing. Headlocks

    • P3: Headlock from Side Release

    • P3: Bar Arm - Prevention

    • P3: Bar Arm Release

    • P3: Carotid Choke - Release

    • P3: Guillotine (Headlock from Front ) Release

    • P3: Defending a Low Tackle

    • P3: Defending a Low Tackle (Caught)

    • Level 1 One-Hand Shirt Grabs - Control Hand Options

    • Level 1 One-Hand Shirt Grabs - Circle Arm

    • Level 1 Two-Handed Shirt Grabs

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    • P1: Soft Breakfall Forward

    • P1: Getting Up in Stance

    • P1: Getting Up Attacking Forward

    • P1: Back Kick from the Ground

    • P1: Forward Roll (Starting on Knees)

    • P1: Forward Roll (From Standing)

    • P1: Choke from Ground - Attacker by Side

    • P2: Back Breakfall

    • P2: Backwards Roll

    • P2: Choke from Guard Release

    • P2: Mounted Choke Release - Prevention

    • P2: Mounted Choke Release

    • P3: Fall Back, Turn & Front Breakfall

    • P3: Side Breakfall

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    • P1: Using Shield Type Objects

    • P1: Defending Knife Attacks

    • P2: Using Thrown Objects

    • P2: Knife Threat - Slap & Kick

    • P2: Knife Threat at Throat

    • P2: Knife Threat from Behind

    • P3: Using Stick Type Object

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    • Returning Attacker

    • Zombie Drill

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    • Level 1 - Progress Check #1

    • Level 1 - Progress Check #2

    • Level 1 - Progress Check #3

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    Recorded Classes Links

    • May - November 2020

    • 2021